Scandal is teh awesome.

In the middle of the furious posting about the scandal du jour (which, honestly, isn't a "comics" scandal in the way that Ewertgate is. Of course, beggars, in this case people who LIVE to fan the flames of controversy on the CGC forums, can't be choosers…), Lighthouse makes a good point:

"What I am certain of, is that this board used to be a lot more fun than it is now. And it used to be a lot easier to convince comic folks to come here and hang out and share their knowledge and their opinions. It used to be a lot easier to come spend an hour chatting with friends and learning about comics. Heck, it used to be fun reading JC's crash threads because they were about the only negative things to be found. The occasional "outing" of a guy like st1ckwizard, while necessary, didn't take over the board."

Ears of the deaf and all. Still I commend him on his laser keen perception.

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