Five for Friday (Returns!) Kamala Khan, Captain Marvel, Fantastic Four #5, Turtlemania!, McFarlane

I used to run this feature yeas ago. I'm bringing it back! Here are five books up for auction this week that I think are fun.

Captain Marvel #17 Second 2nd Print CGC 9.8 1st appearance Kamala Khan Ms Marvel

This is one of those books that probably drives some old-timers nuts, but it will fetch four figures when all is said and done.

Captain Marvel Special Edition Comics #1 CGC 6.0 8/40 1st Devoted to Capt Marvel

From one Captain Marvel to another and from one book that will drive old-timers nuts to one that they should love, here's some Golden Age goodness. This seller, greatdeals4u-2, is also selling a lot of group lots that I could have featured if they weren't so head-scratching (why sell this reprint Superman #1 alongside a restored #2 and a restored #5?) This Captain Marvel Special Edition Comics #1 is way less puzzling and is a super-cool book.


I featured this ComicLink lot previously. It's closing in on $100,000 with 4 days to go. I'm really interested in seeing where this book ends up.

Todd McFarlane SPIDER-MAN #4 COVER

This was a very memorable cover for me. I was working at a shop at the time and while I didn't particularly love the writing on his Spider-Man title, I loved the art and I thought this cover was just nuts.


ComicLink is wrong with the note in the title. There are 10 copies of this edition of this rare book and 6 of them have been graded by CGC, not just 2. Still, this is a cool, rare comic and it's going to sell for a boatload of money.

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