A Quiet (Listing) Duel- ComicLink (Tales to Astonish 27 + Journey into Mystery 83 both CGC 9.4) vs ComicConnect (Detective Comics #27 CGC 5.0)


Comic auctions are usually where the biggest books end up being offered for sale. There are exceptions. Three such exceptions all dropped recently.

The biggest news, to me, is the Detective Comics #27 CGC 5.0 listed at ComicConnect for $725,000. Any unrestored copy of Detective #27 is obviously a big deal and this one presents really well for the grade. A sweet book.

Over at Comic Link, they listed a pair of great Silver Age books-a TALES TO ASTONISH #27 and a Jounrey into Myster 83, both in CGC 9.4. The TTA27 is especially intersting as it's a tough book to find in high grade. I don't know that I'd want to be into TTA27 for $350,000, personally, but I know there are other Marvel collectors out there who will be tempted.

The JIM83 looks like a perfect 9.4.


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