From my inbox

Greg Moutafis writes:

"Hey folks – here's a little Greg/cartooning news…

I’ve been asked to participate in a fairly big benefit comic art auction for
a women’s shelter in the Portland OR area. It’s a strange but fun collection
of WonderWoman art and memorablila and involves some big names in the comics
world, past and present.

I’m mailing in my 2 illustrations today and might have some scans available
to show pretty soon… It’s a good cause and unique thing to take part in so
I thought it would be cool to share the news….

Greg M.

Sunday, October 29, 2006 — 2pm-6pm, FREE
Excalibur Comics, 2444 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, Oregon
A part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

An ALL AGES benefit and celebration for two shelters for Women and Children!
Raphael House of Portland
Bradley-Angle House"

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