Free Comic Book Appraisals

Want a chance to learn more about your old comic books? Are you interested in their history, significance and potential value? If that sounds like you, then send me an EMAIL, preferably with high resolution scans or photos of the comic you're interested in learning more about and depending on how interesting it is, I might write about it for the site as a featured appraisal. I'll try to answer questions for anyone that sends in any book, but, depending on the volume, I can only guarantee that I'll write properly about books featured on the site.

Some notes:

  • Only books from before 1980, please. Even books from the 1970s have very little chance of making it onto the site, but there are a few that would definitely be interesting to write about so I'll leave the cut-off at 1980.
  • The appraisals are entertainment/informational purposes only – no certifications or exact valuations are given or guaranteed. Since I won't have the books in hand and will be judging condition from a scan, I will only provide informational estimates of condition and therefore value. If, after that, you need an official estimate for insurance purposes or want to get a solid estimate on the book in order to sell it I can put you in touch with someone trusted in your area to do a real appraisal.

    The point of this offer is really to have some fun looking at old comics and educating people about old comics. Hard and fast valuations are for another venue.

  • I need a good sized image- hopefully of the front and back. Scans should be 150-300dpi @100% and photos should be dumped right out of the camera as-is. I need as much detail as possible to judge condition. It's tough enough to estimate condition without the book in hand (so tough it's only a rough estimate and never an official pronouncement of grade.) It's impossible to do it with a small scan.


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