Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns #2 Cover Hits $448,125 with 10+ Days to Go


Is there any better way to relaunch this site than with a glimpse at what's probably the single greatest piece of comic art ever to come up to auction? Nope. This is the bee's knees. To be honest, there are only a handful of possible pieces that would be more exciting to me than this cover (most of those would be by Jack Kirby, in case you're keeping track.) Why?

  • It's one of the most influential comic series of all time.
  • This piece is probably the best Frank Miller superhero cover from an art perspective. It's just a perfect example of his signature style. It's also the only really great cover (from an original art perspective) from the whole series. If you're going to own one, this is the one to own.
  • We're in the middle of a real mania for this stuff. The Shamus Modern Masterworks collection has obviously focused plenty of attention on 1980s-1990s original art so it's not like anything in this space is going to pass unnoticed. With the McFarlane Amazing Spider-Man #328 cover selling for $600,000+ and the iconic Miller Dark Knight Returns splash selling for $448,000 there's a very strong bottom on the value of a piece like this. This is evidenced by the fact that it's already hit that bottom with 10 more days to go before the live auction.

Also, yes! I'm back. There's a lot to do around here, including much data updating, but with this redesign I'm officially back at the helm of this blog. Hopefully that's good news to some of you 🙂 I'll be looking at the rest of the upcoming Heritage auction for the next week, so we'll be starting off with some fun content right out of the chute.

I also updated my comics and original art gallery, so you can see some of the things I've been buying during my blogging hiatus.

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