It's Official: Action #1 CGC 6.0 to Be Auction in Next ComicConnect Auction

And… here's the book in the holder:


Clicking on the above image will load the listing page at the ComicConnect site. Not much to see there now, but I expect the bidding to be intense once the auction is up and running. Judging by the intense discussion and scrutiny the book has already generated, I expect this to be one of the most closely watched auctions in recent comic auction history.

Personally, I'd be disappointed if the book doesn't make at least $300,000 and I think it's got a shot at being the new record holder for a comic. There are no guarantees, of course. The economy is terrible right now, so how many folks are sidelined by the inability to raise funds quickly (by selling stocks, for example) or fear of extending themselves on an asset like this in uncertain times? We'll have to wait to see how it all turns out.

Regardless of the price tag, this is one of the most exciting books I've seen come up for auction in years.

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