The big catch-up

In preparation for the show on Tuesday (and because I just like to read comics), I've been working through my huge backlog of comics today. So far I've read:

30 Days of Night Spreading the Disease #1 and #2. I like the story a lot and the art, by Alex Sanchez, is the best on the series since Templesmith himself last drew the book.

All Star Superman #6 Either the best or worst issue in the run (worst being relative.) I'm not quite sure yet. It's a clever story with nice heart, but it lacks the incredible "wow" factor of the rest of the series.

Eternals #6 I'm not sure if Gaiman has a great comic in him that doesn't feature Sandman. I love his books to death, so it's not like he's fallen off, I just think his recent comic work has lacked a little something.

Astonishing X-Men #19 There's a lot here I actually don't understand. I don't know who Cassandra Nova is, for example. I'm not sure how much that affects my enjoyment of the series, to be honest, as I still enjoy it. I'm just betting that I might enjoy it a little more if I checked out wikipedia for some top-notch spoiler action (I'm off to search Cassandra Nova right now.)

More reviews as I go through them.

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