What I may or may not buy this week.

I don't know if I can make it to the LCS this week so this haul might have to wait a little bit.

ESCAPISTS #6 (OF 6) $2.99 Finally caught up with this series a couple of weeks ago. It's really good.

52 WEEK #32 $2.50 Comic book crack.

BATMAN #660 $2.99 I'm not even sure who's writing this any more. The bat titles slip in and out of my pull list with alarming regularity.

DMZ #14 (MR) $2.99 A really great series. #12 was one of my favorites of 2006

EX MACHINA #25 (MR) $2.99 Another great series.

GEN 13 #3 $2.99 I'm down with the WildStorm relaunch.

GREEN LANTERN CORPS #7 $2.99 I forget what happens in this book every month, then I read it and enjoy it.

JLA CLASSIFIED #30 $2.99 "I forget what happens in this book every month, then I read it and enjoy it."

JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #4 $2.99 Good stuff right here.

SPIRIT #1 $2.99 If it's as good as the Batman/Spirit book we're cooking with oil.

STORMWATCH PHD #2 $2.99 "I'm down with the WildStorm relaunch. "

HUNTER KILLER #10 $2.99 I think I've had one Top Cow book on my pull list for a decade. Not the same book, but one Top Cow book at any given time.

ULTIMATE X-MEN #77 $2.99 Do I still enjoy this title? Sure. As much as I used to? Probably not.

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