Except for when I wait to buy my new books until Sunday. these are the books I'll be picking up tomorrow:
ESCAPISTS #5 (OF 6) I still haven't read anything beyond the first issue. I'm sure it's great, but…
52 WEEK #28 This is great. I know that much. What a fun series.
ASTRO CITY THE DARK AGE BOOK TWO #1 One of my favorite Superhero books year in and year out.
GREEN LANTERN CORPS #6 Again. I don't remember what's going on in this book.
ASTONISHING X-MEN #18 New Cassaday art
MARVEL 1602 FANTASTICK FOUR #3 I'll just keep reading these 1602 books forever, I think. I don't really know why. They're eminently readable, if not "great."
ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR #36 I'm an arc behind on this.
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST VOL 10 The first thing I'll read. I'm a complete Fullmetal Alchemist nerd. Sue me.