And I enjoy them.
These are the comics I'll be buying this week.
CONAN #33 I read pretty much every Conan book that comes out every month now. I only read Conan when there was nothing left to read when I was a kid
52 WEEK #24 The best book on shelves in terms of page turning popcorn popping fun.
AUTHORITY #1 I've been waiting for this for a while. With this issue another of my favorite writers will take over the reigns of everyone's favorite over-the-top, kill-crazy-rampage superteam.
BATMAN AND THE MAD MONK #3 I haven't read an issue of this yet. I hope it's good!
DESOLATION JONES #7 Interested to see how the new artist works out. He's very good.
FABLES 1001 NIGHTS OF SNOWFALL Great. A $20 hardcover. Just what I need to break the bank on the same day I'm buying a new phone.
WILDCATS #1 And with this the whole WildStorm relaunch goes into full bloom.
CASANOVA #5 I buy it. I read it. It's pretty good.
NEGATIVE BURN #5 I buy it. I read it. It's pretty good.
MARVEL 1602 FANTASTICK FOUR #2 Maybe not as good as it could be, but this whole 1602 thing is pretty good.
ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR #35 I haven't read any of the new creative team
JOHN WOOS SEVEN BROTHERS AMANO CVR #1 I know nothing. All I know is "John Woo." His Hollywood stuff sucks, but his Hong Kong stuff was great. Ergo, I buy the book