An oldie.

Just cleaning out my sent email folder and I ran across this gem. I sold, as I'm wont to do, a big stack of, well, crap- books that just couldn't sell by themselves. In this particular lot, there was a perfect FR X-Men 107. It was complete but was in terrible, but not catastrophic shape. The lot ended up selling for $4.00 or something. Maybe 10 cents a book or something. I was just happy to get the books out of my house and, as I assume with these sort of lots, into the hands of a reader.

Boy was I wrong.

A couple weeks later I got this note in the mail.

"—– Original Message —–
Subject: Question for seller — Item #*************

The X-Men book is in really crappy shape. I am not sure what "FR"
condition is. The book is in poor condition (large rip on cover/over shabby
shape). Not too happy. the reason I bid on this item was for that book. Have
not left feedback yet. Hope to hear from you. "

Yes. I laughed out loud. The mixture of cluelessness and hubris (he's mad because he failed to take advantage of me and he's complaining to ME about it.) is classic.

Here's my tempered response:

"FR is Fair. The second lowest grade on the scale. One step above Poor. The
book is complete, but dusted, hence the grade of Fair. You can return it if
you want. I'm sorry if it's not what you expected.


I heard nothing after that.

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© Rob Larsen