I got a new inking job. Pray for me.

So, I just finished up 10 pages for an anthology that should be out this Monday. I've been scuffling a little bit comics-wise since trying to figure out what my big vanity project will be should I decide to do one (Lovecrafitan horror? Euro-Style Science Fiction?) when into my lap drops a 12 page rush inking job for a decent page rate from someone who I've actually received a check from before (trust me on how important a distinction that is in the comics business.) Cool, right? Yeah, except the work he paid me for before never saw print, thereby continuing the worrisome trend of being paid ONLY for work that doesn't see (credited) print. The stuff that sees print (with my name in the credits), I've never received a dime for (either by design- where I was helping a friend out or just due to the crappy nature of the comics biz *cough*cough*) So, good people, my dear readers (all nine and a half of you,) in whatever manner you're comfortable with pray that I will break this string and receive both some books AND a check some time in January of 2006.

tags: comics
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