Category Archives: cgc
Five Missing $1,000,000+ Comics
This has always been an interesting topic for me. It started with a discussion about the Mile High/Edgar Church Wonder Woman #1 being bought by someone unknown to the hobby more than 40 years ago and never resurfacing. The early … Continue reading
The Heritage October 2024 Christine Farrell Complete DC Collection Signature Auction Preview
Two New Action Comics #1 Added to the CGC Census
ComicConnect Event Auction #59 Preview
A Mighty Fine CGC 2.0… Superman #1 
Go to ComicConnect for the glorious GOODness!
FANTASTIC FOUR #1 CGC 9.0 VFNM Upcoming At ComicLink
‘Uzumaki’, A Whirlwind of Darkness
‘Uzumaki’, A Whirlwind of Darkness / Pen ペン If you haven't read it, you should! Comics! I've actually submitted some books to CGC for the first time in a few years. I guess I'm selling comics again?
Action Comics #1 CGC 8.5 Kansas City Sells for $6,000,000
Action Comics #1 Kansas City Pedigree (DC, 1938) CGC VF+ 8.5 | Lot #91002 | Heritage Auctions I'm out of the loop enough to not really know how I feel about this result, but it's still a new record. I'm … Continue reading
Upcoming Detective Comics #27 CGC 6.5 at Comic Connect
Previously: Detective Comics #27 (DC, 1939) CGC FN+ 6.5 Listed For Sale At Heritage – Asking Price: $1,297,500.00 ComicConnect Sells a Detective Comics #27 CGC 6.5 for $725,000 | It's All Just Comics