What I'm Reading: Absolute WildC.A.T.S. by Jim Lee

In light of my last post and because I am stuck in the house and have a little bit of extra time every day, I cracked open my copy of Absolute WildC.A.T.S. by Jim Lee. I bought it in December and hadn't even taken it out of the plastic. Now seemed like a really good time to crack it open and revisit those books.

The thing that strikes me about these comics is how incredibly bold they are. The series starts big and stays there.

It's also dense! It's not written by Claremont, but it reads like one of his books in terms of the number of words per page/panel and the amount of information that's told, in addition to the information that's shown. I'm a fan of The Authority so I'm clearly not against modern comics storytelling, but it's still crazy to see how much longer it takes to read one of these books. I could read the Ellis/Hitch Authority arcs in 1/4 the time.

Lee's art is just outstanding and seeing it in an Absolute edition is a real joy. He's obviously still cranking out great work, but it's wonderful to be reminded how dynamic he was back in the day. Check out the double gatefold above! He was going for it big time.

By the way, if you've never read any of his work on the title, I would also suggest Alan Moore's Complete WildC.A.T.S.. The Moore stuff is actually the focus of my CGC set, especially the books he did with Travis Charest. Those are some of the best superhero comics from that era.

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