I Thought it Might Be the Golden Age Green Lantern #1 Listed in the Wrong Category

Instead, it was just a silver age Green Lantern #1 listed by Mile High Comics for $873.60.


Considering I just bought a raw GD copy for $140, that might be a little high.

GPA reports the 12 month Fine average as $861. So, for only twelve dollars MORE you could hit the BIN on GD copy. What a treat that would be.

Both of those numbers are well below Overstreet, by the way, so it's not like this book is tearing up the charts at the moment (which is probably why I'm buying them- they seem like a real bargain to me.*)

In case you were wondering the GD price for the Golden Age Green Lantern #1 is, in fact, $3000, so there's really no reason in the world (even looking at the wrong book in Overstreet) for this book to be listed so high.

*it's true. Kane art throughout, great covers and the #1 is a year older than FF #1.

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