Except for the ones that suck.
These are the ones I hope will be good this week:
CONAN & THE SONGS OF THE DEAD #4 (OF 5) Is Conan basically weekly now? That's what it seems like. Not that I'm complaining. Dark Horse is doing a phenomenal job with the license.
52 WEEK #25 Comic crack.
THE BOYS #4 (MR) Better than I had any right to hope it would be.
DEATHBLOW #1 (MR) Another Wildstorm book helmed by a great creative team.
JACK OF FABLES #4 (MR) I like this series a lot more than I thought I would. I hated the Jack interlude in the regular series. Here it works a lot better. Probably because I'm not annoyed and waiting for the regular story to pick back up.
JUSTICE #8 (OF 12) I have no idea what's going on in this book at this book. What is it? Quarterly?
PLANETARY #26 Obviously, the book of the week around here (although Seven Soldiers #1 is a strong #2) How on Earth will this end? Based on comments from Warren Ellis himself, I'm not sure the fanboy contingent is going to be happy. Will I? Only time will tell…
SEVEN SOLDIERS #1 (RES) I've really enjoyed this massive series. I can't wait to see it capped off.
SUPERMAN BATMAN ANNUAL #1 I have no idea what this is, who is writing it or what it contains.
DAREDEVIL #90 This has to be the most consistently good Marvel book this decade.
NEXTWAVE AGENTS OF HATE #9 My favorite Warren Ellis work at Marvel.