High Comics Related Item For the Week Ending June 24, 2006


Seller: alayak2eme ( 8 ) Winning bid: US $6,400.00


"Hello everyone….BEFOR WE START..HERE IS A QUICK FACT: "first PIN-UP OF BATMAN PENCILED BY MARC SILVESTRI and inked by batt SOLD FOR $8,000.00..don't belive it..checkout topcow.com"..NOW..FIRST WORK BY MARC…can't belive iam saying this..but iam SELLING this two amazing cover by marc silvestri. this not only its a completed set cover but its also the first take for Marc to take on SUPERMAN…just wanted to clearify one thing..this is not a print..not a pin-up..this is the original COVER pieces thats been penciled by MARC SILVESTRI AND INKED BY MATT BANNING..AKA "BATT" i have both of the covers to this cross cover and other items listed in comicartfans.com too..just look under the name kung, gin-fu. to all collectors who wanted to make offers on other items….please email me at art-of-war-07@hotmail.com or by phone 1(902)441-8883.also…this two covers both assisted by TYLER KIRKHAM…so its his first take on a cover like this as well… JUST LIKE MICHAEL TURNER TAKEN UNDER MARC SILVESTRI wings…TYLER IS ONE OF THE TOP RAISING STAR OF TOP COW…SINCE HE STARTED ON THE COMIC GIFT…HIS SKILL HAS IMPROVE LIKE NO OTHER…..FROM WORKING ON A NO NAME COMIC TO EVERY COMPANYS LIST. as for TOPCOW..he worked on STRYKE FORCE, WITCHBLADE, DARKNESS, TOMBRAIDER, V.I.C.E, THE TENTH, AND MANY OTHERS. DC COMIC…ONE OF THE BEST…SUPERMAN…NOW HE REACHES MARVEL'S HOTEST CHARACTER…SPIDERMAN AND MANY OTHER TO COME…well as news just released..tyler is gonna be working on WOLVERINE AND DARKNESS.. PHOENIX:WAR SONG..will be out around sept…. SO LOOK OUT FOR TY. FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME AT ANYTIME…THANKS AND GOODLUCK!!!..OH YES..I ALSO INCLUDED A PIC IN THE GALLERY FO THE BATMAN PIN-UP…AMAZING!!"

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